More goodies to play with!

This month was a free month for us to determine what to make and which fabrics to use. I had been wanting to try the ProStitcher Fabric Bins, so that was my choice. The Pro-Stitcher Fabric Bins come in sizes, but you can adjust the size and make them any size you want. I like to keep my Island Batik fabrics separate from the rest of my stash, so these will be perfect for that.

I used 2 layers of Hobbs 80/20 batting on the blue one and quilted with denser stitching to help make it stand upright. I used Bosal foam on the yellow/green one, which is a heavier batting/stabilizer/foam usually used for tote bags. Then I didn’t feel like I needed to quilt with as heavy quilting because it stands upright easier on its own.
Many thanks to Island Batik for supplying the fabric and Hobbs Batting for supplying the batting for this project! Check your local quilt shop for Round Petal Floral, Lime solid, Sprout, Cheerio Bermuda, and Mocha by Island Batik!
Check out what other creative projects my fellow Ambassadors did for their challenge this month!
Brenda Alburl ~ Songbird Designs
Renee Atkinson ~ Pink Tulip Quilting
Pamela Boatright ~ PamelaQuilts
Susan Deshensky ~ Lady Blue Quilts
Brittany Fisher ~ Bobbin with Brittany
Preeti Harris ~ Sew Preeti Quilts
Mania Hatziioannidi ~ Mania for quilts
Reed Johnson ~ Blue Bear Quilts
Victoria Johnson ~ Forever Quilting for You
Randi Jones ~ Randi’s Roost
Connie Kauffman ~ Kauffman Designs
Emily Leachman ~ The Darling Dogwood
Denise Looney ~ Quiltery – For The Love Of Geese
Leah Malasky ~ Quilted Delights
Maryellen McAuliffe ~ Mary Mack Made Mine
Anorina Morris ~
Lisa Pickering ~ Lisa’s Quilting Passion
Sarah Pitcher ~ Pitcher’s Boutique
Claudia Porter ~ Create with Claudia
Lana Russel ~ Lana Quilts
Elita Sharpe ~ Busy Needle
Gail Sheppard ~ Quilting Gail
Sandra Starley ~ Textile Time Travels
Jennifer Thomas ~ Curlicue Creations
Suzy Webster ~