Our challenge this month was to make a log cabin quilt, any size, using our given collection. I was fortunate enough to receive Rollin’ Round by Kathy Engle for Quilting Renditions. It has fun designs of wheels, gears, bicycles, and all things round. And the colors are gorgeous jewel tones with some wheat colors and oranges as well. Bright and beautiful!

Rollin’ Round is shipping to shops this month! Ask for it at your favorite shop.

The pattern I chose is called River Log Cabin by Amy Ellis and I found it in Missouri Star’s Mod Block Magazine, Vol.1, Issue 1. It’s a different layout than I usually see and it seemed a little more modern to me. The strips are cut different widths; the grey background solid was cut into 1 1/2″ strips and the Rollin’ Round fabrics were cut into 2 1/2″ strips.

All 80 squares have been trimmed, sewn into rows, and rows sewn together. Now for the quilting. I only had my travel machine with me and no walking foot, so straight line quilting it is! I stitched a presser foot edge away from the seam lines and used Aurifil 50 wt 100% cotton thread for quilting (and piecing, but a more neutral color than shown below).

You can see the design layout now. Circles were perfect for Rollin’ Round!

For the backing I chose Optic Flower in teal and Platinum, which is one of the Naturally Neutrals in the Basics collection. You can see the teal here, the other end of the backing has the Platinum.

Be sure to view and follow what the other Island Batik Ambassadors have completed for their Log Cabin challenge:
February 6:

February 7:

February 8:

- February 12:

- February 13:

- February 14:

- February 15:

February 19:

- February 20:

- February 21:

- February 22:

February 26:

And last but not least — enter to win the giveaway from Island Batik!!!
Week 3 (Squiggles, Dots and Lines + Romance Garden):
<a class=”rcptr” href=”http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/d463e29d66/” rel=”nofollow” data-raflid=”d463e29d66″ data-theme=”classic” data-template=”” id=”rcwidget_hg0cdatt”>a Rafflecopter giveaway</a>